Message from the President

Thank you for visiting our Web Site.

It is with great pleasure to announce the establishment of the Arab Investor Strategic Consultancy Centre (AISCC), this is an outcome of the successful Arab investment forum that was held in Paris in 2019 and gathered high-level participants from the global investment community, including, ministers, executives of global companies and stock exchanges, heads of investment promotion agencies, international investment location experts and heads of international organizations.

We are seeing that nations are more and more recognising the benefits of investments for sustainable development, decision makers are recognising the positive role investment can play in supporting development goals from economic diversification

In 2020 Covid-19 pandemic had led to economic crises and have added to already pressing socio-economic challenges in the region. As a result, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows have dropped and attracting and retaining investment will be vital to supporting an inclusive recovery. Accordingly, governments have begun ambitious efforts to improve the investment climate and respond to the pandemic.

At the Arab Investor Strategic Consultancy Centre (AISCC), we will provide consultancy services mainly in strategic Feasibility studies, Digital transformation strategies, Energy, and renewables, Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) and Sustainable development Strategies.

On behalf of the board, I would like to invite you all to connect and collaborate towards paving the way for a better future.


Mounia Attiga 
